Here are some comparison pictures. Even though the sizing is close, the blots completely do not match up.
On one side, I was still toying with the idea that it would be feasible to put 8.6" gears into my 8" housing. On the other side, this could also help in determining if the 2 axles units are interchangeable.
- The covers are the same in terms of shape, hole placement, shape and size of extrusion, pretty much everything
- The one big difference is the depth of the extrusion, its plain to see that the 8.6 is deeper
- The inside extrusion measurements (not depth) are the same for both - 8" vertical at the longest point, 7.5" horizontal at the longest point
It means that I need one more piece of critical information before I can declare that an 8.6" R/P can work in an I6 Trailvoy. And that is wether the 8.6" differential housing is longer/deeper in the front.
Common sense dictates that it is, to match the deeper cover and therefore provide more room for the larger ring gear.
However, one thing confuses me - if that's the case, then why are the cover's measurements the same in height? When you think about it, if you increase the diameter of the ring gear, would it not need more space, particularly at the very top and bottom of the cover extrusions, and not just in the middle? In other words, why is the vertical space not increased for an 8.6" ring gear?
The only answer would be that the cover is deeper to allow for more differential oil for better lubrication and not for ring gear size requirements.
Well, its not something I want to guess at so I am going to try to figure out the best points for measuring the front of the differential housing in order to compare with an 8.6". Ultimately this should lead to a final determination and direction I will be going in for the upgrade.
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