X88 expeditions - Documenting and sharing overland travels, adventures, and expeditions

May 8, 2007


This exploration started out great in that I arrived to the regular place I stay in Perth on the Sunday with enough time to do some preliminary exploring based on research I did using Google maps, SoftMaps 5 (now discontinued), and my newly acquired Garmin 276C loaded up with the awesome 1:10,000 TrakMaps for Ontario.

I was interested in the area around Pakenham, namely the powerlines that make their way up into the high country and are close to the ski area there.

The first picture is looking north-east across the Ottawa valley with the Gatineau hills on the other side. The other pictures are looking south-west where a trail continues for several kms.

The only problem is that just down the hill behind the Trailblazer is a make-shift gate (unlocked) with no fence but a "no traspassing" sign. The whole thing looked a bit suspicious to me in that this trail was clearly labeled as a "road" on my SoftMaps 5 topo map. In fact, you can follow it on Google all the way down to Bellamy Rd.

However, I didn't want to tread on any potential private property so I did not continue. I will be contacting the club I joined: OF4WD and the local club in the area: EOTB to get the full scoop on this.

The rest of the pictures are from heading home on Monday, before the tree incident. It started off as such a nice day, but then promptly turned to crap.

The first three pictures are next to a small lake with a gorgeous cottage property directly across. I stopped next to a small waterfall and got a good shot off the Garmin sitting on its "bean bag" mount. I'm really happy with the GPS unit, I just hope I will be getting more use out of it in the near future.

There is no GPS track though. Due to the circumstances, I ended up losing it. I either cleared the unit before copying it to the computer, or had it on my computer and deleted it by mistake. In any case, I do plan to go back there one day (the scene of the crime) and try to put together a proper route.

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