X88 expeditions - Documenting and sharing overland travels, adventures, and expeditions

July 9, 2008

Bruce & Grey Counties - Bruce Peninsula 2

Bruce Peninsula - Georgian Bay Side Continued

Cabot Head juts out on the Georgian Bay side of the Bruce Peninsula and has a well preserved historical lighthouse / museum. This image is from their website:
I tried to stick to the coast as much as possible as there are some great views of the Escarpment cliffs. The left picture is looking south to Lions Head, the right is a close up looking north to a point. You can make out some people on the beach to reference the cliff heights.
Cabot Head Road is graded gravel and hugs the Georgian Bay shoreline on the right pretty closely. Every once in a while you see the cliffs come up on the left. Overall its a very scenic drive. At the end there is a small parking lot and a short walk to the lighthouse and other smaller buildings. There is also a walking trail out to Wingfield Basin and the point.

You can see the sailboats anchored in the basin which is 3 fathoms deep. People have set up some nice stone-chairs along the beach at the point. I wish I had my Overland Journal with me so that I could submit a picture.

I headed back with the sun starting to set over the cliffs. I caught a glimpse of what I think was a Heron, perhaps a Little Blue, I couldn't make out the head colour. Also got a quick shot of the Trailblazer with some cliffs in the background.
So it was off to Tobermory for the night. Tuesday's plan was to follow the Lake Huron side (West side) of the Peninsula.

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