X88 expeditions - Documenting and sharing overland travels, adventures, and expeditions

July 19, 2008

Surco Safari Roof Rack - Accessories

The accessories I got with the rack were:
  • Spare Tire Adapter - Part# ST100
  • Hi-Lift Jack Adapter - Part #1108
  • Axe and Shovel Adapter - Part #AX100
  • Safari Light Adapters - Part# LT100
Here is what the spare tire and Hi-Lift adapters look like up close.
The tire adapter is made from steel and not aluminium. It uses a cross-brace that is made to fit under the center long floor piece and one of the crossbars, either front or rear. I chose to mount it towards the front.

The Hi-Lift jack adapters are also steel and use Grade 5 mounting bolts to hold the jack to the side rails. The bolts actually go through the holes in the jack with 2 at the heavier bottom end.

I have not put the axe and shovel mounts on yet, and more on the lights shortly.

The other adapter I needed was something to lock down 2 gas containers. Surco does not carry anything for that and the ones I saw locally would only work with the cans standing upright. This would make the entire rack too high for my tastes so I turned to the great can holders made by Adventure Trailers. These are made of 1/8" thick steel, are inherently strong, and can be mounted horizontally like this:

Here is what mine look like without the gas cans:
As for the actual gas cans, I ran out of time and ended leaving on the expedition without them. I bought a couple of metal ones in Durango, CO and never ended up needing to use them. But I got sick of them rattling so I recently sold them at a garage sale.

I have just put in an order for the plastic Scepter cans made here in Canada which are used by the US Military. One thing about these, they are not CARB compliant so they are hard to buy in the US (by civilians). They will be impossible to get starting in 2009. However, they can still be sold in Canada (for now). National 4WD is a current dealer, they are priced at $50 Canadian.

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